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产品展示 >> Mobil Pegasus 710美孚飞马燃气发动机油
Mobil Pegasus 710美孚飞马燃气发动机油详细说明 (浏览755次)

Mobil Pegasus™ 710 (美孚飞马™ 710)



美孚飞马 (Mobil Pegasus™) 710 是一种优异品质燃气发动机油,主要用于机油用量很低的现代高速四冲程发动机的润滑。这些 发动机通常为贫燃设计,在这种设计中,歧管压力增大,致使没有足够的润滑油进入阀导区。本油品也推荐用于气体燃料 压缩机的润滑。本产品采用高品质矿物基础油和先进的中灰分添加剂技术配制而成,具有优异的发动机和压缩机元件保护性能。本产品的化学稳定性及抗氧化和抗硝化性能高。飞马 (Pegasus) 710 具有杰出的抗配气阀门机构磨损和防止积垢形成的能力。这些 性能优势加上极有效的去垢性和分散性的特点可控制积灰和积碳的形成,因为积灰和积碳会导致不良的发动机性能和提前点火引起的爆震。

它的高备用碱度和总碱值 (TBN) 保持性使它也适用于燃料中含有少量腐蚀性物质如硫化氢的发动机。 在抗腐蚀性能上具有杰出的表现,可防止汽缸、阀区和轴承的腐蚀性磨损,延长发动机寿命。美孚飞马 (Mobil Pegasus) 710 机油的抗磨和抗刮性能佳, 确保最少活塞划伤、刮伤以及汽缸和活塞环磨损。



美孚飞马 (Mobil Pegasus) 710 燃气发动机油能使发动机更清洁,磨损率更低,发动机性能更好。使用本产品可以降低维护成本, 提高生产能力。本产品的化学和氧化稳定性佳,可延长换油周期,减少过滤器费用。本产品具有高备用碱度,可用于采用腐蚀性物质含量中等的燃气的发动机。

特性 优点及潜在效益
杰出的抗磨和抗刮性能 较少发动机元件磨损
高氧化与化学稳定性 发动机更清洁
创新的中灰分配方 保护四冲程发动机的阀座与阀面
优异的抗腐蚀性 减少四冲程气体燃料发动机的阀导磨损
独特的备用碱度 控制酸性物在机油中形成



  • 机油耗量很低的火花点火式四冲程气体燃料发动机
  • 出现配气阀门机构磨损和腐蚀的发动机
  • 采用含少量硫化氢的燃料的发动机
  • 压缩天然气的往复式压缩机汽缸
  • 在高温下以额定或超过额定容量工作的高输出或环境额定发动机



美孚飞马 (Mobil Pegasus) 710 得到以下制造商的认可:  
Waukesha(Cogeneration Service Engines) X



美孚飞马 (Mobil Pegasus) 710  
SAE等级 40
粘度, ASTM D 445  
cSt @ 40ºC 121
cSt @ 100ºC 13.2
粘度指数,, ASTM D 2270 98
硫酸盐灰分, wt%, ASTM D 874 1.0
总碱值, mg KOH/g, ASTM D 2896 6.5
倾点, ºC, ASTM D 97 -15
闪点,, ºC, ASTM D 92 249
比重,在 15.6ºC/15.6ºC,ASTM D 1298 0.896


Mobil Pegasus™ 710

Gas Engine Oil

Product Description

Mobil Pegasus™ 710 is a premium performance gas engine oil primarily intended for the lubrication of modern high-speed four-cycle engines where oil consumption is very low. These engines are generally of the lean-burn design where increased manifold pressures prevent sufficient lubricant from getting into the valve guide areas. This oil is also recommended for the lubrication of gas compressors. It is formulated from high quality mineral base oils and an advanced medium ash additive system designed to provide excellent protection of engine and compressor components. It exhibits a high level of chemical stability and resistance to oxidation and nitration. Pegasus 710 offers outstanding resistance to valve train wear and protection against deposit formation. These performance advantages combined with its very effective detergency and dispersancy system control the formation of ash and carbon deposits that could result in poor engine performance and detonation.
Its high reserve alkalinity and TBN retention also makes it suitable for engines operating on fuels that contain low amounts of corrosive materials such as hydrogen sulphide. The excellent anti-corrosion properties prevent corrosive wear in cylinders, valve areas and bearings resulting in longer engine life. Mobil Pegasus 710 anti-wear and anti-scuff performance assures minimal piston scuffing, scoring and cylinder and ring wear.


Features and Benefits

Mobil Pegasus 710 Gas Engine Oil provides cleaner engines, lower wear rates and improved engine performance. The use of this product will result in reduced maintenance costs and improved production capacity. Their excellent chemical and oxidation stability results in longer drain periods and reduced filter costs. The high reserve alkalinity of this product allows its use in engines operating on fuels with low amounts of corrosive materials in the fuel gas.

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Outstanding Anti-wear and Anti-scuff Properties Lower wear of engine components
Reduced scuffing of liners of highly loaded gas engines
Provides excellent break-in protection
High Oxidation and Chemical Stability Cleaner engines
Extended drain intervals
Reduced filter costs
Excellent resistance to oxidation and nitration
Innovative Medium Ash Formulation Protects valve seats and faces on four stroke-cycle engines
Controls combustion chamber ash formation and improves spark plug performance
Excellent Corrosion Resistance Reduces valve guide wear in four stroke-cycle gas engines
Protects bearings and internal components
Exceptional Reserve Alkalinity Controls formation of acids in the oil
Protects engine components from acidic attack



  • Spark ignited four-cycle gas engines with very low oil consumption
  • Engines experiencing valve train wear and corrosion
  • Engines operating on fuel containing low levels of sulphur and chlorine compounds
  • Reciprocating compressor cylinders compressing natural gas
  • High output or ambient rated engines operating at or in excess of rated capacity under high temperatures


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