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产品展示 >> Mobilith SHC PM 220,460美孚力富SHC PM系列
Mobilith SHC PM 220,460美孚力富SHC PM系列详细说明 (浏览720次)
美孚力富SHC PM系列™
美孚力富SHC™PM润滑脂性能优越的产品专为严重的造纸机的应用设计,包括极端的温度环境和暴露于不同水质。美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂结合的高品质的复合锂基增稠剂的合成基础油的独特功能。合成基础油的无蜡的性质提供出色的低温泵送性和较低的启动和运行转矩相比其他非合成油品的粘度相同的。合成基液的高粘度指数,确保在高温下的优异的膜保护。锂复合增稠剂有助于优良的附着力、结构稳定性和抗水性。这些属性是补充的一个特殊的添加剂系统,以提供防锈和耐腐蚀性,耐磨保护,热/抗氧化性,并提高耐水性。美孚力富SHC PM 220和美孚力富SHC PM 460是NLGI 1.5级ISO VG 220和460的基础油,分别。
美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂是专为使用在纸机最关键的滚动元件轴承应用。他们提供卓越的保护,防止生锈和典型的酸性和碱性水的腐蚀,使他们为造纸机的湿端的理想选择。的低波动性和优良的氧化稳定性的保基本库存确保优良的服务,在高温下典型的干端条件。
美孚力富SHC PM系列已成为许多造纸商的首选技术,全球。它的声誉是基于卓越的质量,可靠性和成熟的性能优势,他们提供。
润滑油和润滑脂SHC品牌美孚的认可和赞赏他们的创新和杰出的性能。美孚力富SHC系列标志着我们不断采用先进技术,提供优秀的产品的承诺。在美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂的发展的一个关键因素是密切联系,我们的科学家和应用专家与主要纸机设计师之间以确保我们的产品将提供卓越的性能在不断发展,并越来越严重,设备区。
我们与设备制造商的工作证实了我们自己的实验室测试显示富SHC PM润滑脂的特殊性能的结果。这些好处包括优良的耐酸性和碱性水,增强轴承保护和轴承寿命,宽的温度范围内的应用,以及更长的润滑脂寿命。
打击高的热暴露我们的产品配方科学家选择了专有的合成基础油,美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂由于其特殊的热氧化性能。我们的科学家开发了一种高性能的复合锂基增稠剂技术和使用特定的添加剂来提高美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂满足现代和未来的造纸机的需求。美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂具有以下特点和优点:
优异的高温和低温性能,应用温度范围宽,从40到150°ºC C在高温和低扭矩的极好的保护,在低温下容易启动
应用考虑:虽然美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂与大多数矿物油基产品兼容,掺用可能减弱其性能。因此建议改变系统的一个美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂前,应彻底清洗,以达到最大的性能效益。如果拆除前转换不可行的清洗系统,然后彻底清洗和增加润滑间隔强烈推荐。联系您当地的埃克森美孚润滑油工程师对该方法的咨询。
美孚力富SHC PM润滑脂推荐用于纸机关键的滚动元件轴承应用。其中包括:


Mobilith SHC PM Series


Product Description

Mobilith SHC™ PM greases are superior performance products designed specifically for severe paper machine applications, including extreme temperature environments and exposure to different qualities of water. Mobilith SHC PM greases combine the unique features of a synthetic base fluid with those of a high quality lithium complex thickener. The wax-free nature of the synthetic base fluid provides excellent low temperature pumpability and low starting and running torque compared to other non-synthetic oil products of the same viscosity. The high viscosity index of the synthetic base fluid ensures excellent film protection at high temperatures. The lithium complex thickener contributes excellent adhesion, structural stability and resistance to water. These properties are complemented by a special additive system to provide rust and corrosion resistance, wear protection, thermal/oxidative resistance and to enhance water resistance properties. Mobilith SHC PM 220 and Mobilith SHC PM 460 are both NLGI grade 1.5 with base fluids of ISO VG 220 and 460, respectively.

Mobilith SHC PM greases are designed for use in the most critical rolling element bearing applications in paper machines. They provide outstanding protection against rust and typical acid and alkali water corrosion, making them ideal for the wet end of the paper machine. The low volatility and excellent oxidation stability of the PAO base stock ensures excellent service at high temperatures typical of dry end conditions.

The Mobilith SHC PM series has become the technology of choice for many paper mill operators, worldwide. Its reputation is based on exceptional quality, reliability and the proven performance benefits they deliver.


Features and Benefits

The Mobil SHC brand of oils and greases is recognized and appreciated for their innovation and outstanding performance. The Mobilith SHC series symbolizes our continued commitment to using advanced technology to provide outstanding products. A key factor in the development of Mobilith SHC PM greases was the close contacts between our scientists and application specialists with key paper machine designers to ensure that our product offerings would provide exceptional performance in this continually evolving, and increasingly severe, equipment area.

Our work with equipment builders has helped confirm the results from our own laboratory tests showing the exceptional performance of the Mobilith SHC PM greases. These benefits include excellent resistance to acidic and alkaline water, enhanced bearing protection and bearing life, wide temperature range of application, and longer grease life.

To combat high thermal exposure our product formulation scientists chose proprietary synthetic base oils for Mobilith SHC PM grease because of their exceptional thermal and oxidative resistance. Our scientists developed a high performance lithium complex thickener technology and used specific additives to enhance Mobilith SHC PM greases to meet the needs of modern and future paper machines. Mobilith SHC PM greases offer the following features and benefits:

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Outstanding high temperature and low temperature performance Wide application temperature range, from -40ºC to 150°C with excellent protection at high temperatures and low torque, easy start-up at low temperatures
Excellent protection against wear, rust and corrosion, including acidic water Reduced downtime and maintenance costs because of reduced wear, rust and corrosion even in acidic and alkaline water environments
Excellent structural stability and oxidation resistance Extended service life with longer intervals between relubrication and improved bearing life
Excellent wear protection under heavy loads, slow speeds, and high temperatures Outstanding protection of slow speed, heavily loaded bearings, with extended bearing life
Outstanding structural stability in the presence of water Retains excellent grease performance in hostile aqueous environments
Low volatility Helps resist viscosity increase at high temperatures to maximize relubrication intervals and bearing life



Application Considerations: While Mobilith SHC PM greases are compatible with most mineral oil based products, admixture may detract from their performance. Consequently it is recommended that before changing a system to one of the Mobilith SHC PM greases, it should be thoroughly cleaned out to achieve the maximum performance benefits. If dismantling the system for cleaning before changeover isn't feasible, then thorough purging and increased relubrication intervals are strongly recommended. Contact your local ExxonMobil Lube Engineer for consultation on this approach.

Mobilith SHC PM greases are recommended for critical rolling element bearing applications in paper machines. Included among these are:

  • Wet end paper machine bearings.
  • Highly loaded press section bearings.
  • High-temperature felt roll and calendar stack bearings.


Specifications and Approvals

Mobilith SHC PM Series meets or exceeds the requirements of: PM 220 PM 460
DIN 51825: (2004-06) KPHC1-2N-40 KPHC1-2N-40


Typical Properties

Mobilith SHC PM 220 PM 460
NLGI Grade 1.5 1.5
Thickener Type Lithium Complex Lithium Complex
Color, Visual Off-White Off-White
Penetration, Worked, 25C, ASTM D 217 305 305
Dropping Point. oC, ASTM D 2265 275 275
Viscosity of Oil, ASTM D 445, cSt @ 40C 220 460
4-Ball Wear, ASTMD 2266, Scar, mm 0.5 0.5
4-Ball Weld Load, ASTM D 2596, kg 250 250
Timken OK Load, ASTM D 2509, lbs 65 65
Roll Stability, ASTM D 1831, % Change -5 to +5 -5 to +5
Water Washout, ASTM D 1264, 79C, % Loss 2 3
Rust Test, ASTM D 1743, Rating PASS PASS
Copper Corrosion, ASTM D 4048, Rating 1A 1A
EMCOR Rust Test, ASTM D 6138, Distilled Water, Rating 0/0 0/0
EMCOR Rust Test, ASTMD 6138, Acid Water pH 4.5, Rating 0/0 0/0
EMCOR Rust Test, ASTM D 6138, Alkaline Water pH 12.0, Rating 0/0 0/0
Oil Separation, ASTM D 1742, 0.25 psi, 24 hours @ 25C, % Wt. Loss 3 3


Health and Safety

Based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application and the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are followed. MSDS's are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.

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