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产品展示 >> Mobil SHC PM 150.220,320.460美孚SHC PM造纸机油
Mobil SHC PM 150.220,320.460美孚SHC PM造纸机油详细说明 (浏览824次)

美孚SHC PM系列造纸机油

Mobil SHC PM 150.220,320.460





美孚SHC PM系列是专为最苛刻的工业造纸机循环系统设计,卓越的性能合成润滑油。 美孚SHC PM系列油品配方,以提供齿轮和最恶劣的条件下工作的轴承卓越的保护。 他们已经非常低的倾点和固有的高粘度指数(VI),这有助于确保良好的低温启动,同时保持优异的粘度特性在非常高的温度。 该流体是非常剪切稳定的,甚至当在高负载轴承和齿轮遭受严重的机械剪切粘度保持控制。 它们的低牵引系数和高粘度指数可以帮助导致较低的能源消耗和减少器件的工作温度。


美孚SHC PM系列为了开发最新的美孚SHC技术,美孚SHC PM系列润滑油,埃克森美孚公司的产品配方科学家选择了,因为他们的特殊的高温/抗氧化潜能选择基础油,结合他们平衡的添加剂系统,配合基础油的固有利益成就卓越绩效标准。 这些液体允许使用更高的蒸汽压力,温度和高输出造纸机和压光辊常见的机器速度。 其杰出的水解稳定性和过滤性保证优异的性能,在水的存在下,并保留有效的过滤,即使在很细的过滤水平的能力。 他们很容易与水分离,并保留其颜色特征进行操作的苛刻条件下长时间。



美孚SHC PM系列代表造纸机润滑技术进步。 在抗磨损保护,增强的氧化稳定性,化学稳定性,有效的防锈和防腐蚀保护,颜色稳定性和过滤性等方面的出色表现能力,不仅延长维护保养周期,但可以提高机器性能并提高生产能力。 这可以导致更少的所需的维护和更长的设备寿命。



       1 更容易启动和改善润滑冷启动

2 保护在高温下额外保证金

3 更好地控制进给率

       4 提高轴承和齿轮性能

       5 延长油的使用寿命

6 较低的过滤器更换费用

7 清洁系统

8 还原系统存款

       9 允许更容易去除水

10 降低系统形成不良乳液

11 降低能源消耗

12 较低的操作温度

13 减少磨损

14 保持油线,无存款的流量控制机制

15 改善油的流动和冷却性能

16 降低过滤器的更换成本

17 保护齿轮和轴承在潮湿环境

18 提供的轴承和齿轮腔上面正常湿润表面的区域蒸气空间保护



A 优良的宽温性能

B 卓越的抗磨损保护

C 出色的氧化和热稳定性

D 有效的水分离特性

E 低牵引系数      

F 极好的过滤      

G 高水平的防锈防腐蚀保护     




1 严重的工业造纸机循环系统的润滑

2 涉及经营在很宽的温度范围内,如压光辊环流系统的应用

3 必须启动并投入运行快速系统

4 循环系统润滑的齿轮和轴承

Mobil SHC™ PM Series

Paper Machine Lubricants

Product Description

Mobil SHC™ PM Series products are superior performance synthetic lubricants specifically designed for the most demanding industrial paper machine circulating systems. The Mobil SHC PM Series oils are formulated to provide outstanding protection of gears and bearings operating under the most severe conditions. They have very low pour points and a naturally high viscosity index (VI) which helps ensure good low temperature start-up while maintaining excellent viscosity characteristics at very high temperatures. The fluids are very shear stable and maintain viscosity control even when subjected to severe mechanical shear in heavily loaded bearings and gears. Their low traction coefficient and high viscosity index can help result in lower energy consumption and reduced component operating temperatures.

To develop the latest Mobil SHC technology for Mobil SHC PM Series oils, ExxonMobil product formulation scientists chose select base oils because of their exceptional thermal/oxidative resistance potential and combined them with a balanced additive system, which complement the inherent benefits of the base oils to attain high performance standards. These fluids permit the use of higher steam pressures, temperatures and machine speeds common in high output paper machines and calendar rolls. Their outstanding hydrolytic stability and filterability assure excellent performance in the presence of water and the ability to retain effective filtration even at very fine filtration levels. They readily separate water and retain their colour characteristics for extended periods of operation under severe conditions.


Features and Benefits

The Mobil SHC PM Series oils represent a technological advance in paper machine lubrication. Their excellent performance capabilities in the areas of wear protection, enhanced oxidation stability, chemical stability, effective rust and corrosion protection, colour stability, and filterability not only prolong maintenance service intervals but can improve machine performance and increase production capacity. This can result in less required maintenance and longer equipment life.

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Excellent Wide Temperature Performance Easier start-up and improved lubrication at cold starts
Extra margin of protection at elevated temperatures
Better control of feed rates
Exceptional Wear Protection Improved bearing and gear performance
Outstanding Oxidation and Thermal Stability Longer oil life
Lower filter replacement costs
Cleaner systems
Reduction of system deposits
Effective Water Separation Properties Allows easier removal of water
Reduces formation of undesirable emulsions in systems
Low Traction Coefficient Reduced energy consumption
Lower operating temperatures
Reduced wear
Excellent Filterability Keeps oil lines and flow control mechanisms free of deposits
Improved oil flow and cooling performance
Lowers filter replacement costs
High Level Rust and Corrosion Protection Protects gears and bearings in wet environments
Provides vapour space protection for areas of bearing and gear cavities above normally wetted surfaces



  • Lubrication of severe industrial paper machine circulating systems
  • Application involving circulation systems operating over a wide temperature range such as calendar rolls
  • Systems that must be started and brought on line quickly
  • Circulation systems lubricating gears and bearings


Typical Properties

Mobil SHC PM Series 150 220 320 460
ISO Viscosity Grade 150 220 320 460
Viscosity, ASTM D 445        
cSt @ 40º C 158 225 325 465
cSt @ 100º C 18.9 25.6 34.7 44.8
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270, typical 124 127 130 137
FZG 4-Square Load Support, DIN 51354, fail stage 11 11 11 11
Rust Characteristics, Proc A and B, ASTM D 665 Pass Pass Pass Pass
Hydrolytic Stability (Acid Number Change),ASTM D 2619, mgKOH/g 0 0 0 0
Copper Strip Corrosion, 24h @ 100º C, ASTM D 130, rating 1B 1B 1B 1B
Demulsibility, minutes to 40/40/0, 82º C 15 25 30 30
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97, max -39 -36 -33 -27
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92, min 220 220 220 220
Specific Gravity 15º C/15º C, ASTM D 1298 0.857 0.863 0.865 0.874


上一产品: Mobil DTE PM 100,150,220,320美孚DTE PM系列造纸机循环油
下一产品: Mobil DTE™ 732 M、 美孚 DTE™ 732 M