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产品展示 >> MOBIL Almo 524,525,527,529,530,532美孚爱慕气动工具油
MOBIL Almo 524,525,527,529,530,532美孚爱慕气动工具油详细说明 (浏览782次)


MOBIL Almo 524,525,527,529,530,532气动工具油


美孚阿尔莫500系列 优质气动工具润滑油


美孚阿尔莫500系列润滑油是优质的产品主要供 润滑气动凿岩机在地下和地表采矿作业。 他们 由高品质基础油和添加剂,提供卓越的化学配制 稳定性和良好的保护,防止磨损和腐蚀。 他们不形成粘性存款 可能导致呆滞阀动作。 他们的高粘度指数和低倾点确保良好 润滑油在低温条件下从空气膨胀,防止结冰造成停工, 同时提供钻头部分可能在更高的温度下运行足够的油膜。 即使在 大量水的存在,美孚阿尔莫500油具有良好的优惠政策金属 润湿性和粘合性质和乳化水分的能力确保维修 连续的油膜,减少磨损,防止生锈和腐蚀。 油雾的产生 水平是非常低的,并且都是无毒和无刺激性的具有刺激性的,无可非议 气味。



• 延长空气刀具寿命,降低维护和维修成本

• 优异的抗磨损保护和有效的润滑在水的存在下

• 良好的低温润滑用更少的停工结冰

• 良好的保护,防止生锈和腐蚀在水的存在下

• 水冲洗过在潮湿条件下减少的趋势

• 氧化和涂胶优良的耐

• 改善工作环境,由于最低油雾在密闭空间和非 毒性和无刺激性气味




美孚阿尔莫500系列润滑油推荐用于所有气动石钻 地下和地表采矿,以及在承包商和其他工业应用。 该 美孚阿尔莫500系列是适合于冲击和旋转式工具。 这四个粘度 牌号允许选择的全年使用的季节性环境温度变化 极端和地下矿井,其中脸部的温度可能差别很大



美孚阿尔莫525是用于轻型打击乐/回转式空气过路费全年的工业加热 植物和冬季档次凿岩机润滑剂。


美孚阿尔莫527是用于中到重度值班矿和采石场的钻孔和土木工程 应用程序。 美孚阿尔莫529适用于恶劣的工作条件下(高模具温度)低于地面全部 使用一年。


美孚阿尔莫532适用于在露天矿山,采石场和承包商的严重责任业务 除了 应用在冬天。 该油可以通过手工上油或小单位发现不可分割的油藏,并通过空气管路应用 油工和较大的单位集中润滑系统。


美孚阿尔莫500系列油品符合既定重型凿岩机的所有测试和规格 油。 他们是由英格索兰公司,欢乐制造及其他批准

Mobil Almo 500 Series

Pneumatic Rock Drill and Tool Lubricants

Product Description

Mobil Almo 500 Series lubricants are premium quality high performance products primarily intended for the lubrication of pneumatically operated rock drills in underground and surface mining operations. The Mobil Almo Series oils are formulated from high quality base stocks and additives, which provide excellent chemical stability and good protection against wear and corrosion. They offer an optimum balance of adhesiveness, yet are emulsifiable enough to pick up moisture carried in the air stream reducing the negative effects of water on wear and corrosion. They do not form gummy deposits that could cause sluggish valve action. Even in the presence of water, the Mobil Almo 500 Series oils have good preferential metal-wetting properties that maintain continuous oil films. These properties in combination with high EP characteristics help provide excellent lubrication resulting in long equipment life.
Mobil Almo 500 Series possess high viscosity indexes and low pour points to ensure good lubrication at the low temperatures resulting from air expansion and guard against icing stoppages while providing adequate films on drill parts that may operate at high temperatures. Oil fog generation levels are extremely low.


Features and Benefits

The Mobil Almo 500 Series oils provide an optimum performance balance which assures long equipment life and minimal maintenance costs. Their excellent wear protection characteristics and ability to provide adequate lubrication in the presence of water not only reduces wear but protects against rust and corrosion. Their good chemical stability prevents sludge and deposit formation reducing the need for frequent maintenance.

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Effective Chemical Stability Reduce sludge and deposit formation
Improves valve operation
Desired Emulsifiable Properties Effective lubrication in presence of water
High Viscosity Index Provides good lubrication at both high and low temperatures
Excellent Load Carrying Ability and Anti-Wear Protection Reduces component wear
Prolongs equipment life
Reduces maintenance costs
Very Good Adhesive Characteristics Protects metal surfaces from corrosion
Provides good lubricant films under all conditions
Rust and Corrosion Longer tool life
Increased tool performance


Mobil Almo 500 Series oils are recommended for use in all pneumatically operated rock drills in both underground and surface mining as well as in contractor and other industrial applications. They are suitable for percussive- and rotary- type tools. The viscosity grades allow selection for year-round use where seasonal ambient temperature variations are extreme.

  • Pneumatically operated rock drills in underground and surface mining operations
  • Pneumatically operated drills and jack hammers in highway construction and building operations
  • Rock drills in quarry operations
  • Percussion and rotary air-operated tools in industrial applications

Typical Properties

  Mobil Almo 524 Mobil Almo 525 Mobil Almo 527 Mobil Almo 529 Mobil Almo 530 Mobil Almo 532
ISO Viscosity Grade 32 46     220 320
Viscosity, ASTM D 445            
cSt @ 40ºC 32 46 112.9 172 220 320
cSt @ 100ºC 5.5 7.3 11.4 16.5 19.7 24.9
Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270 108 105 91 102 100 99
Pour Point, ºC, ASTM D 97 -51 -30 -27 -24 -24 -21
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92, min 170 188 204 220 220 232
Density @ 15.6ºC, ASTM D 4052, kg/L 0.880 0.883 0.899 0.893 0.898 0.902

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